We all know that sustainability is more important than ever. Wavin wants to make a difference. But responsibilities require us to take action. That is why Wavin is now introducing bio circular products. Sustainable products, while maintaining quality. And more importantly, a low environmental footprint.
What is bio-circular or bio-based?
The term 'bio-circular' or 'bio-based' means that production materials are derived from biomass, such as plants, trees, fruits, grass, etc. The raw materials can store CO2 and arerenewable, meaning they can restore themselves within a 10-year period. It is now possible to obtain ethylene/ethylene – the feedstock component for all raw materials, such as PP, PE and PVC – from biomass through biorefinery, in addition to distillation from petroleum. Via this route, it is thus possible to produce bio-circular products. This results in a CO2 reduction of more than 75%, compared to conventional PVC production.

Quality guarantee
Bio-circular ethylene is chemically identical to the fossil variant. Replacing the fossil raw materials with bio-based feedstock therefore has no effect on the quality of our products. We simply combine the advantages of plastics with the sustainable properties of biobased. Bio-circular products are just as strong, light, and affordable. They also maintain a long lifespan.
The advantages of bio-based products
Sustainability and quality go hand in hand. Here are a few more advantages, at a glance:
- A CO2 reduction of at least 75%.
- Use of circular and renewable raw materials.
- Preservation of technically identical product properties, compared to fossil-based ranges.

Mass balance: traceability of bio-based raw materials
From the moment bio-based and fossil-based raw materials come together in the production chain, the volume of bio-based materials added can only be tracked through a registration system: mass balance reporting. ISCC certification ensures that Wavin's bio-circular products do not conflict with the food chain.
Wavin's bio-circular products are produced from certified biomass that does not compete with the food chain. ISCC (International Sustainability and Carbon Certification) monitors, reports and verifies for the benefit of a transparent chain.
The ISCC certification guarantees that the chain, among other things:
- is demonstrably bio-based,
- is not at the expense of biodiversity and human rights;
- ensured that materials are sustainably sourced and processed, without conflicting with the
food chain.
Bio-based Wavin Products
Wavin has now also introduced two successful ranges as bio-based ranges. Both ranges are delivered according to the mass balance method, with the ISCC certificate – guaranteeing a CO2 reduction of 75%.
Wavin Apollo
Wavin Apollo PVC-O drinking water pipes are unique because during the extrusion process a pre-form pipe is stretched in axial and circumferential direction, which reinforces the material and significantly improves the strength of the pipe. For a Wavin Apollo pressure pipe only 50% of the resin is needed, when compared with a regular PVC-U pressure pipe of the same pressure class and diameter.

Wavin Ventiza
Wavin Ventiza air distribution system is known for its distinctive oval product design. It is ideal for situations with low installation height of concrete floors. In addition, the ducts have the lowest wall roughness.

Are you interested knowing more about the available bio-based ranges? Contact us or download our brochure: